Five Reasons Your Skin Looks Older

While aging gracefully is wonderfully coming back into vogue, there are times when we can look in the mirror and see how tired, stressed, depressed, dehydrated, worn out, or unhealthy you genuinely are. It’s at these times when we begin to wonder if there are reasons why our skin starts to look older. One of the key reasons why your skin looks older is the decline in Redox cell signaling, which affects its ability to repair and rejuvenate

So, what are some reasons that your skin begins to age, or age before it’s time? Diet, Sun, Makeup, Genetics, and Stress are some causes of premature aging. Continue reading and you’ll find some explanations of why these five reasons are an age inducer and how you can prevent them with some help, natural and otherwise.

1) Diet

The phrase “You are what you eat” is a cliche for a reason. Adding refined sugars and carbs to your diet when you feel low will add an extra surge to your energy. When this happens, your hormone insulin spikes, which results in inflammation. If your body senses inflammation, your collagen and elastin break down with extra enzymes. This process allows the skin to become looser, which can create more lines and wrinkles on your face.

Whole foods are the best way to prevent the body from producing extra enzymes so that we can keep the collagen and elastin a little longer. There are also other things we can do when we feel a little low; instead of eating, try something else that can make you happy, such as going for a walk, listening to a song, painting your nails, reading a book, or doing something that makes you equally happy.

2) Sun

Sun can damage the skin to the point where cancer could develop if we aren’t safe. While vitamin D is an important part of our body’s processes, too much time outside without the proper protection can cause your skin to become dry, flaky, and burnt beyond its capacity to heal itself.

When our skin dries out beyond repair, adding creams and lotions that have extra agents in them, like anti-wrinkle creams, can restore collagen and moistness. Part of the problem with dry skin is that our body is not taking in enough water. An adjoining step to lotion and anti-aging creams (after showers, especially), would be to make sure that you drink enough water.

Hydration is an essential part of keeping your skin moist and looking the right age.

3) Makeup

Proper care and upkeep of skin is also something that will help keep it looking the right age and, possibly, younger. When there is extra grime, dirt, makeup, and particles from the environment collected on your skin, it makes it harder to keep the skin looking bright, clean, and it’s rightful age.

When we leave extra makeup on overnight, the makeup seeps into our pores, which will clog them and give the inflammatory look of older skin. The same situation applies as it does when food inflames your pores; extra enzymes will begin to attack the collagen and elastic that helps skin keep its bouncy appearance.

To make sure you get all the makeup, environment, and other dirt off your face, clean it twice a day. Once a day, make sure to use a natural oil to get rid of the excess you may not be able to see. Using a natural oil, such as coconut, grapeseed, or olive oil will help keep healthy fats on your skin as well, which will keep it extra moisturized.

If you prefer not to use natural oils, adding extra moisture to your skin by way of lotions and other forms of anti-aging creams can help keep your skin hydrated as well.

4) Genetics

Sometimes your genetics will fight against you. Premature balding comes from genetics and so does premature aging. If this is something that happens to you, note that there is nothing you can do to change your genetics. You can keep up a regimen of a healthy diet, exercise, and hydration. This practice will help keep your skin hydrated and prone to exterior upkeep.

Adding a mindful way of thinking can also help give you the mindset that taking care of your body is the best way to go about taking care of your mind. This means that an outer appearance doesn’t change who you are on the inside and can release any stressors that may come.

5) Stress

Speaking of stress, it can wreak havoc on your insides and your outside. Stress can induce sleep deprivation, which can bring on the dark circles, and cause you to lose the extra collagen in your face that holds your skin up.

Also, when life stresses us, we don’t so much think of taking care of our body with healthy food, exercise, and a mindful way of life. Sometimes we forget to eat and drink water, though other times, we overindulge and drink other things besides water.

When you find yourself stressed (life is stressful, and it can be any number of items that would trigger your stress), make sure to find a moment for yourself where you can catch a breath and give yourself a break from the whirling dervish that are the thoughts in your mind.

Yoga, mindfulness, and other stress-relieving activities can help release stress and give you a better night’s sleep. Find something that works for you, and use that tool whenever you notice that there are too many things swirling around in your head or when you are having a hard time finding sleep.

The less stress you take on, the more you’ll remember to eat right and take care of yourself, which is the catalyst for younger-looking skin.

Bonus: Actual Aging

While there are many things we can do to prevent the look of aged skin, the one thing we cannot do is to prevent actual aging. Learning to accept this part of life is a great way to help understand that aging gracefully comes with many benefits, such as learning from your mistakes, knowledge about the world, and a calmer way to look at life. Giving yourself permission to age naturally as you grow old is a freeing mindfulness that will help keep you young at heart and young of mind but will still give you the wisdom that comes with growing older.