Teeth Whitening – 5 Easy Steps to Keep Your Teeth White After Treatment

Treatments that whiten teeth have skyrocketed in popularity as more and more people try to enhance their smile’s first impression. People also buy a teeth whitening kit in Singapore at a decent price because of its effectiveness. However, because there are so many things that can stain teeth, it can be difficult to maintain that pearly white appearance following a whitening treatment. This article will provide you with information on how to preserve the whiteness of your teeth following whitening treatment.

1. Brush and floss regularly

Brushing and flossing twice a day are the best ways to keep your teeth white after whitening. Plaque and bacteria that cause tooth discolouration can be prevented by brushing and flossing twice a day. Use toothpaste with fluoride because it helps strengthen tooth enamel and reduces the risk of discolouration. You can find this in a teeth whitening kit in Singapore.

2. Avoid staining foods and drinks

If you want your teeth to stay white after using gel for teeth whitening, avoiding foods and drinks that can leave stains is essential. The enamel on your teeth is easily worn down by sugary, acidic, or tannin-rich meals and drinks. Staining foods and drinks include java, tea, vino, berries, and cocoa. Avoiding tobacco products is also recommended if you want to keep your teeth from turning yellow and brown.

3. Use whitening toothpaste

The use of whitening toothpaste following a teeth-whitening treatment is also recommended for long-term results. Teeth discolouration can develop over time, but toothpaste and gel for teeth whitening can help remove surface stains. If you want to be sure that your toothpaste is both safe and effective, look for the SDA seal of approval on the packaging.

4. Visit your dentist regularly

If you want your teeth to stay white after using a teeth whitening kit in Singapore, regular dental checkups are a must. Dentists are trained to determine the root causes of tooth discoloration and advise patients on the best course of action to restore their smile. Your dentist may also suggest in-office whitening or another professional teeth whitening treatment to help maintain your teeth’s whiteness.

5. Use a whitening mouthwash

Once you’ve had your teeth whitened, using a whitening mouthwash is the best way to keep them that way. Teeth discoloration can occur over time, but a whitening mouthwash can help get rid of the superficial stains. The Singapore Dental Association (SDA) has tested many different mouthwashes, and only those that have been found to be safe for usage should be used.

If you wish to know how a teeth whitening kit in Singapore returns the price of your investment, visit Brightside Dental SG to find out.