When you should you consult a dentist in Monterey Park? Find here

As an adult, you should have two dental appointments every year. Routine checkups and oral exams can help find early signs of diseases that impact gums and teeth, which can help avoid complicated symptoms. If you haven’t seen a family dentist in Monterey Park, CA in more than a year, it is anyway time to schedule an appointment. Here are some other signs to consider.

You have a broken/fallen crown

Crowns, bridges, and fillings are often used in restorative dentistry, and although durable, these restorations don’t last forever. If you have a broken dental bridge or a crown that has fallen off, you have to see a dentist immediately. Typically, your dentist will take impressions of your bite and order a new appliance. In the case of fillings, replacements are necessary after a point.

You have a severe toothache with sensitivity

The top layer of a tooth is called the enamel. When bacterial growth damages the enamel and exposes the second layer, called the dentin, you may experience sensitivity to cold and hot beverages and foods. If the decay is deep enough and impacts the nerve inside the tooth, you may have pain and inflammation along with symptoms like an abscess in the gums. In many cases, extractions are necessary, but treatments like root canal therapy can save an infected tooth. Don’t wait for these severe symptoms to fade away and check with a dentist.

You have signs of gum disease

If you don’t keep up with oral hygiene practices, are a chain smoker, or have a family history of bleeding gums, you should book an appointment soon. Gum disease is often treatable and doesn’t require invasive procedures in the early stages. Your dentist may consider removing plaque and bacterial growth through treatments like root scaling.

You want a perfect smile

Beyond the usual concerns, people also see dentists for cosmetic enhancements. For instance, if you have stained or discolored teeth, your dentist may recommend in-office teeth whitening or veneers. There are also other treatments that can help align your teeth and reshape your gums. If you are unable to smile because you feel conscious about the appearance of your teeth, check with a dentist.

A good family dentist will answer your questions, educate you on oral hygiene practices, and guide you on all pertinent aspects to avoid dental diseases in the future. For restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures, they will also explain the risks and benefits.